Location 38° 18' 32" N, 22° 49' 39" E

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A list of all pages that have property "Location" with value "38° 18' 32" N, 22° 49' 39" E". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
  • Hamfest2012  + (38° 1' 5" N, 23° 41' 20" ELatitude: 38.01814
    Longitude: 23.689016
  • 2012 DA14 Hunt  + (38° 1' 38" N, 23° 53' 25" ELatitude: 38.02722072209
    Longitude: 23.890314256252
  • Hackfest4  + (38° 2' 10" N, 23° 44' 55" ELatitude: 38.036228
    Longitude: 23.748729
         (38° 18' 32" N, 22° 49' 39" ELatitude: 38.308888888889
Longitude: 22.8275


Property:     Value: