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A hackerspace is a place for creativity, collaboration, research, development and, of course, education. It is more than just a physical space: It is a dynamic community with ideas inspired by the Open Source philosophy.

The Idea

While our idea stems from free and Open Source ideas, our primary motivation is our desire to share our experiences with the rest of the world.

We want to share our ideas just as we share our code. We are used in sharing our data, problems and solutions remotely from our home or from our jobs. So, why not do it face to face as well?



Be polite to everyone. Respect all people that you meet at the space, as well as the space itself.


The main operation of hackerspace is to promote collaboration by sharing projects, code, and ideas. The motto, which is inspired by Creative Commons, is "I love to share".


All decisions are the result of consensus among members. Decisions on management of the space are taken at the monthly meetings, which are open to all.


You do not need a license to work on a project. If you want to organize an event or a workshop on an Open-Source or Open-Hardware project, do not expect it to be organized by someone else. Take the initiative and do it!


The HSGR is self-funded, with funds provided mostly from its Members. If you want to contribute, you can make a Contribution. All financial information is posted on the notice board inside the space.


"Starting from 40 years ago, when I joined the hacker community at MIT, I’ve been proud to call myself a hacker. I was hired by MIT to be a system hacker, meaning to make the system better. [...] Hacking had a more general meaning, which meant basically being playfully clever and pushing the limits of what was possible. [...] Hacking, as a general concept, is an attitude towards life. What’s fun for you? If finding playful clever ways that were thought impossible is fun then you’re a hacker. [...] There are many ways of hacking that have nothing to do with security and breaking security is not necessarily hacking. It’s only hacking if you’re being playfully clever about it."

Taken from Richard Stallman's interview by Theodoros Papatheodorou