

external link
Starts Organizer
Sat 17 Jun 2017 15:30
Ends Event Owner
Sat 17 Jun 2017 23:00 User:Sotiri

When Debian makes a new release, it's definitely cause for celebration.

What: There's going to be a connection with the Debian Party Line, install Fest, key-signing, and discussion on Debian Stretch. Lightning talks about Debian welcome.

Provided: Space for up to 50 people, drinks at moderate prices, free popcorn, (24/1 Mbit/s) public internet access.

Bring: your devices, GPG fingerprints (& your passport/ID) for key-sign, Storage Media, Laptops for lighting talks, Debian themed stickers, hats and costumes.


SVG Source File Derivative work from "soft Waves/cdcover.svg" by Juliette Taka Belin. Font: "Alegreya Sans Bold" by Juan Pablo del Peral