End date 1 February 2012 19:00:00
A list of all pages that have property "End date" with value "1 February 2012 19:00:00".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- Hsgr article editors meeting vol.2 + (16 January 2012 21:00:00)
- Verese now extra community and more fun! check inside! + (19 January 2012 21:30:00)
- OpenROV taskforce meeting 20120120 + (20 January 2012 20:00:00)
- Wikimedia Workshop 20120120 + (20 January 2012 22:00:00)
- Consuela Reloaded + (20 January 2012 22:30:00)
- Mozilla CTF + (26 January 2012 10:00:00)
- OpenROV taskforce meeting 20120127 + (27 January 2012 21:00:00)
- Meeting January 2012 + (29 January 2012 19:00:00)
- Μάθημα Linux 3a2 + (30 January 2012 20:00:00)
- Verese Intro Meetings (Part 1) + (31 January 2012 21:30:00)
- Open Art Brainstorming + (1 February 2012 19:00:00)
- Hellug Meetup 20120201 + (1 February 2012 21:00:00)
- Μάθημα Linux 3a1 + (2 February 2012 20:00:00)
- EFF Meetup + (2 February 2012 22:00:00)
- Μάθημα Linux 3b2 + (6 February 2012 20:00:00)
- OpenWrt Users Meetup 0001 + (7 February 2012 21:00:00)
- Verese Intro Meetings (Part 2) + (8 February 2012 21:30:00)
- Μάθημα Linux 3b1 + (9 February 2012 20:00:00)
- Hackfest8 + (9 February 2012 22:00:00)
- The Hackerspace Show Episode 8 + (10 February 2012 19:00:00)
- OpenROV taskforce meeting 20120210 + (10 February 2012 22:00:00)