End date 28 December 2015 20:00:00
A list of all pages that have property "End date" with value "28 December 2015 20:00:00".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- Firefox OS Hacking + (24 November 2015 20:00:00)
- We need to build a delta 3D Printer 02 + (26 November 2015 21:00:00)
- Learn Python the Hard Way 20151130 + (30 November 2015 20:30:00)
- Let's try to build an other 3D printer (this time a delta one) 03 + (3 December 2015 21:00:00)
- Reproducible builds + (4 December 2015 21:00:00)
- Arduino Workgroup 2 + (6 December 2015 20:00:00)
- Learn Python the Hard Way 20151207 + (7 December 2015 20:30:00)
- Python Users Gathering 20151209 + (9 December 2015 21:00:00)
- We need to build a delta 3D Printer 03 + (10 December 2015 21:00:00)
- Learn Python the Hard Way 20151214 + (14 December 2015 20:30:00)
- Mozilla Community Meeting + (28 December 2015 20:00:00)
- An OpenBionics Workshop: From Robot Hands to Prosthetic Devices + (30 December 2015 21:00:00)
- Python users gathering - January + (20 January 2016 21:00:00)
- V-space @ hsgr + (22 January 2016 17:00:00)
- Let's try to build an other 3D printer (this time a delta one) + (28 January 2016 21:00:00)
- Έναρξη μαθημάτων περιόδου 2016 Α’ για την απόκτηση πτυχίου ραδιοερασιτέχνη + (7 February 2016 20:00:00)
- Free Software Monthly Meetup 0216 + (10 February 2016 21:00:00)
- Presentation of HestiaPi Project - An open smart thermostat for your home + (13 February 2016 20:00:00)
- There is no spoon 160214 + (14 February 2016 19:00:00)
- Python Users Gathering February + (17 February 2016 21:00:00)
- PopcornTime-S01E01 + (19 February 2016 23:30:00)